Monday, December 15, 2014

Psychology: Mirror Mirror Activity

Directions: Use the below website to collect information on how different factors contribute to one's self-image. These findings are somewhat dated (almost 20 years) but they are extremely relevant still to life today.

Mirror, Mirror Website

Activity Document Download

Wrap it all up Question: The last few classes we have looked at the changes during Adolescence and some factors and forces that have affects on the changes taking place.  Answer this question as a comment to this blog post. 

What should all young men & women be aware of as they mature through adolescence regarding the Media, “Cool,” Puberty, & one’s Self-Image?


  1. Frank Rizzo

  2. Cassidy Hudson
    They should be aware of how easily the media and others around you can influence you. Even if you do what ever everyone else is doing, people will still have their opinions about you whether it is good or bad. The media has taken over teens and young adults lives to shape us all to be the same.

  3. Eleesa Schumacher
    That everyone is different in there own way, and there is no such thing as "the perfect body". Dont compare yourself to other people.

  4. People should be careful about paying attention to the media about what is "cool" because they could become brainwashed by it and instead of thinking for themselves and what they like to do and wear, they will do what the media tells them is "cool" to wear and do.
    -Shane Anderson

  5. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and there is no possible way that you can please everyone. You're born the way you look, and almost nothing can (or should) change that.
    -Justes Adams

  6. Alli Smeltzley
    Young men and women should be aware that they don't have to be like everybody else, they don't have to do what everyone else does. A name brand sweatshirt isn't going to make you any cooler. I would say focus on your heart and being a good person because that is going to get you further than some expensive shoes will. Love yourself and who you are because you are unique and you are beautiful. Don't be afraid to do something you love out of fear of being judged, other peoples opinions don't matter. You be you boo boo

  7. Miranda Edwards
    People are going to make you want to look and feel a certain way about what they think is "cool" but it shouldn't matter because you just need to do whatever makes you happy.

  8. Sam Killian
    Young men and women should be aware that the media exists to make money. Society creates unrealistic images of people that, teens especially, are expected to follow in order to fit in. When the media tells you to buy something because it will make you "popular" and "cool", most kids will obey. Now a days, people that don't follow the popular trends are congratulated on being authentic and original. So if everyone stops following the "popular" trends, the "authentic" trends become "popular" and get boosted by the media, making originality a brand.

  9. Anthony Reiss
    - i think everybody should try to remember your opinion counts too, just as much as anybody else's. The only reason anything is "cool" is because we think it is, so in the end nothing is cool until you think it is. Don't be another puppet that loves what everyone else tells you to, have your own opinion!

  10. Crystal Keller
    Everyone should keep in mind that the commercials on t.v. are just that, advertisements. Far from being true to most people. Try to be as true to your feelings about clothing and what's popular you don't need to adopt what everyone else considers as cool.

  11. Vanessa Hillebrand
    People should be aware that everyone is unique and they don't have to conform to the media's standards.People need to think for themselves and not be worried about doing whats "cool".

  12. Justus Stratton

    I believe that everybody should know that "cool" doesn't last forever. Just do you and don't worry about what people think of you. You aren't always going to be popular so treat people how you want to be treated

  13. Chris Tait
    People really just need not to care what other people think about them, especially in high school. Most people just need to be able to be confident in who they are despite what anyone else says about them, and to just do what makes them happy.

  14. Sadie Navo
    All young men and women need to understand that all of this is natural. And everyone feels the same about their image. Even the man or woman you are comparing yourself to. You should be able to dress, look and eat however you want because it is your opinion that matters the most. If you are unhappy than step up and change it. As long as you are being healthy and true to yourself, than do what makes you the happiest.

  15. Taylor Harroun
    Adolescents should keep in mind that the media is looking to influence what they like and what they do. They should know that "cool" is a result of the trends of others, and that they shouldn't just follow along with something they don't like. The most important thing is to know who you are and accept yourself in order to maintain a healthy self-image. One should not base their beauty or value on other people, and they should make sure they are happy with themselves when not compared to anybody else.

  16. Young men and women should know that the epitome of the so-called 'cool' factor is actually not as cool as it seems and that the standards that the media set for the 'Perfect body image' is almost unahievable by 5% or less even lower than that for more than just body image. They should know that no matter what size, just like some ethnic groups actually embrace, in the case of black women and asians, that you are beautiful just as you and that you shouldnt let modern standards define who you try to be when you know that you are who you make yourself to be and not what other people say you are.

  17. Ashley Clark
    I think that people should realize that just because the media portrays a certain 'type' of person as beautiful, it doesn't mean that it is the standard. Every body type is unique and the world should take that into account. Be yourself.

  18. Katee Gustavson
    Young men and women should be aware that the media and what's cool will always be changing and trying to influence people, so they shouldn't let all of the media influences around them change their idea of themselves. Everyone goes through changes and they need to accept those changes as theirs.

  19. Morgan Atkins
    You should just not care what the heck others say. You are YOU for a reason and nobody can change that. Sure, some days may not be the best days but who cares? It doesn't mean you have to bring yourself down just because everybody else does.

  20. Maddie Bachus
    All young men and women should recognize how impossible it is to obtain the media's ideas of "ideal" are. Models today weigh 23% less than the average healthy women. Young men and women need to be able to look at people they admire within their own lives and recognize how far from this "ideal" that they are as well. They have to be happy with being themselves in order to be "cool" and have body positivity. Puberty may make this difficult, but you just have to be able to look past it as much as you can.

  21. Tayler Machado

    I think that people should stop worrying about what others think about them. If someone does not like YOU for YOU, why would you want to be affiliated with that person? No matter what, trends will come and go, and by the time you fit yourself to one trend, it will already be over and a new trend will have emerged. No matter what, Media will always try to make you seem inadequate, but just remember that they are only doing that for your money.

  22. Deanna Trethewey
    All young men and women should be aware because it is important for them to know that they are being influenced by people and media. Life is stressful enough without having to worry about what's "cool". Puberty is perhaps the most difficult age to get through as adolescents are just beginning to find themselves. Throwing trends, brands, and images of idealized beauty is unhealthy and causes mental and physical diseases. Instead, people should have the time to find out who they want to be and what they want to get out of life. Having a positive body image is hard in this day and age, but keeping your mind strong, not bullying others, and being open to other ideas that stray from the mainstream will help one be a better, healthier person.

  23. John Voter
    - I think everyone should not focus on what everyone else is doing and just do what you want and if you want to do something that someone else is doing than do it because you should do what you want.

  24. Katie O'Neill
    Remember not to compare yourself to others. The media will say whatever they can in order to get you to buy their product even if they are lying. Remember to always receive compliments in order to boost your self-esteem. Also, practice thinking positively every time you look in the mirror.

  25. Alex Lerch
    We should be aware of our lifestyle choices and the way that we treat ourselves. Don't take the opinions of other people too seriously. Do things that are fun and don't allow the opinions of others to encroach on your self worth.

  26. Ian West
    Everyone should be aware of the fact that they aren't required to follow what the 'mob' of media controlled teens considers cool. Everyone has different definitions of what they think is cool, and it is entirely based on opinion. It is very important to remember that what the media decides is cool isn't going to be cool forever, so what's the point of forcing yourself to conform for the people who are running big money corporations? People stop caring so much about what is cool after they become real adults, with families and jobs.

  27. no matter what people will always judge and critize you. it doesnt matter if the way you act or the cloth you wear arent cool if you like it then thats all that matters because cool is just an idea and if you follow that idea your just trying to be like everyone else and what is the point of that whenits better to be yourself a unique person
    -marisol martinez

  28. Jacqueline Hafra
    Well for one, nobody is perfect and there is no such thing as perfect. People might try to tease you and bring you down, but that's because they're just as insecure as you and just want to feel like they're better than someone. Every teenager experiences some sort of insecurity because we go through changes and things start to get uncomfortable and confusing. We all want to "fit in and be cool" but really all you want to do is be yourself and find the people who suit you. That way you can create your own version of cool without having to impress anyone. Growing up isn't about fitting in or trying to impress people. It's about figuring out who you and and who you want to be just by acting how you want to act and just being yourself with the people who care about you. If someone doesn't like the real you, fine they don't have to. Being "cool", or pretty, beautiful, whatever, it's all about being real. All those people seen on tv and in ads are all fake. Always try to stay positive, be the real you, and just by doing that people will love you and think you're beautiful no matter what.
