Tuesday, December 15, 2015

World History X: Colonial Motives

Directions: Make a copy of the first link in order to type directly into the document itself.  Read the descriptions for each motive at the top of the document, and analyze each image in the second link to determine the motive behind what is happening in the image.  Support your reasoning on which symbol you chose in the furthest column.

Make a copy of this!!

Images from European Colonization in Africa & Southeast Asia

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Psychology: Erik Erikson & Psychosocial Development

Directions: Read the below website on a background on Erik Erikson and his work.  After, fill out the Google Form embedded in this post responding fully addressing the following areas:
  • Identify how you have progressed through each stage using real examples from your childhood
  • Describe what you have done in your life that validates you moving through each stage
  • If you feel as if the conflict has not been resolved yet (your current stage of development) identify what needs to happen to progress
Website: Erik Erikson and Psychosocial Development

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Psychology: Kohlberg & Moral Development

Directions: Make a copy of the below document, share it with your partner, and follow the directions on the document.  Page 1 is designed to help you understand Kohlberg's theory more in-depth. Page 2 is where you will populate your ideas.

Assignment: Kohlberg and Moral Development Theory Application

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Psychology: Crash Course Vid & Child Brain Development Infographic

Watch the video below, and answer the questions in the Google Form below it.  After, take a look at the InfoGraphic below, to see the amazing development that takes place in the first few years of life.

Explore more infographics like this one on the web's largest information design community - Graphs.net.

Friday, November 20, 2015

World History: Industrial Revolution Study Guide Terms Dump

Directions: All this weekend type up your terms as a comment to this blog post, and copy and paste the terms you feel will help you for the test on Tuesday!!

Be prepared!!! ~ Uncle Scar, The Lion King .... poor misguided Uncle Scar :-/

Psychology: Nature vs. Nurture

Directions: Read the two articles below and respond to the questions as a comment to this blog postPlease remember to include your name in the body of the comment.
Post as ANONYMOUS!! This will allow you to post your comment correctly

****Extra Credit - One Page (single spaced) typed summary of the story and how it impacts your view on Nature vs. Nurture Debate

Background on Debate of Nature vs. Nurture
Nature vs. Nurture Article 

Questions: 5-7 sentences each
1. Describe the argument for Nature being the driving force for development.
2. Describe the argument for Nuture.
3. After reading the second link, have you altered your original opinion? Explain why or why not.

Remember your homework!! Due on Monday!! Jot down notes from your discussion with an adult...we'll verbalize what you learned from them!!

Friday, November 13, 2015

World History: Industrialization Outside of England

Directions: Analyzing the Secondary Sources below, identify how Industrialization in the following countries developed in the 18th and 19th centuries (1700s-1800s). Make a copy of the "Industrialization Outside England" Document and type up notes on how each country developed their Industrial economies.  After, search for pictures (2 for each country!) using Google Image search for images that demonstrate their developments. Annotate each picture with a 1-2 sentence description of what is happening in the picture and how it relates to the history from the websites.

INDUSTRIALIZATION OUTSIDE ENGLAND -- Make a copy of the document to type directly on it

Industrialization in Belgium
Industrialization in Germany

Industrialization in America
Industrialization in Japan

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Psychology: Schizophrenia

Directions: Read the below website (all modules - Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatments) to grasp the specifics of what the disorder is. Make a copy of the document in your Google Drive in order to type out notes to keep track of the different aspects of the disorder.  After, conduct research and find 2 different people who have lived or are living with Schizophrenia describing what their life is like living with the disorder. WHEN FINISHED WITH YOUR RESEARCH, PRINT IT OUT!!

Schizophrenia Information - Psychology Today
Schizophrenia Research Document -- Remember to make a copy of it so you can type directly into it and print it out when you are finished

Post Research Activity and Assessment: You will group up with 4 other people (groups of 5) and you will brainstorm a video production where you will create a 3 minute video designed to raise awareness on Schizophrenia and what you have found about the disorder. Below are parameters to help you stay focused and concise with your video:

  • Focus: Raising awareness on an oft-misunderstood disorder
  • Target Audience: Teenagers and early Adults (16-22)
  • Requirements: 3 min in length; all members are involved in the planning and filming phase; video can be filmed on a phone and uploaded to YouTube (use the Landscape view for filming)
  • Information: Incorporate your information from the research and the lives of those that live/lived with the disorder; what you provide as information must be accurate, succinct, and must be designed to inform the consumer of the video what you have learned
  • Due Date: Video must be completed and uploaded to YouTube and emailed to me by Sunday (11:59pm at the latest)

World History: APPARTS & Argumentation

Directions: Use the APPARTS system to seek to understand the two Primary Sources below. Write down your ideas in your notebooks for this. After you are done, click the link to respond to a writing prompt related to the Sources.

In responding to the writing prompt, write a strong topic/thesis sentence answering the question clearly using three reasons to support your argument that come from the three sources (the one from last class and the two today).

Writing Prompt Link
Type in Room #: 1MR418S0

Source 1: 

Source 2: Luddite’s, a group of working class Englishmen against the rapid changes of industrialization and the deterioration of English society as a result, smash industrial machinery in an attempt to sabotage the daily profits of factory owners

Source 3: In 1832 Michael Sadler secured a parliamentary investigation of conditions in the textile factories and he sat as chairman on the committee. The evidence printed here is taken from the large body published in the committee's report and is representative rather than exceptional. It will be observed that the questions are frequently leading; this reflects Sadler's knowledge of the sort of information that the committee were to hear and his purpose of bringing it out. This report stands out as one of three great reports on the life of the industrial class — the two others being that of the Ashley Commission on the mines and 's report on sanitary problems. The immediate effect of the investigation and the report was the passage of the Act of 1833 limiting hours of employment for women and children in textile work. Below is sample testimony provided by workers in the factory system the detailed conditions:

Elizabeth Bentley, called in; and Examined.

What age are you? — Twenty-three.
Where do you live? — At Leeds.
What time did you begin to work at a factory? — When I was six years old.
At whose factory did you work? — Mr. Busk's.
What kind of mill is it? — Flax-mill.
What was your business in that mill? — I was a little doffer.
What were your hours of labour in that mill? — From 5 in the morning till 9 at night, when they were thronged.
For how long a time together have you worked that excessive length of time? — For about half a year.
What were your usual hours when you were not so thronged? — From 6 in the morning till 7 at night.
What time was allowed for your meals? — Forty minutes at noon.
Had you any time to get your breakfast or drinking? — No, we got it as we could.
And when your work was bad, you had hardly any time to eat it at all? — No; we were obliged to leave it or take it home, and when we did not take it, the overlooker took it, and gave it to his pigs.
Do you consider doffing a laborious employment? — Yes.
Explain what it is you had to do? — When the frames are full, they have to stop the frames, and take the flyers off, and take the full bobbins off, and carry them to the roller; and then put empty ones on, and set the frame going again.
Does that keep you constantly on your feet? — Yes, there are so many frames, and they run so quick.
Your labour is very excessive? — Yes; you have not time for any thing.
Suppose you flagged a little, or were too late, what would they do? — Strap us.
Are they in the habit of strapping those who are last in doffing? — Yes.
Constantly? — Yes.
Girls as well as boys? — Yes.
Have you ever been strapped? — Yes.
Severely? — Yes.
Could you eat your food well in that factory? — No, indeed I had not much to eat, and the little I had I could not eat it, my appetite was so poor, and being covered with dust; and it was no use to take it home, I could not eat it, and the overlooker took it, and gave it to the pigs.
You are speaking of the breakfast? — Yes.
How far had you to go for dinner? — We could not go home to dinner.
Where did you dine? — In the mill.
Did you live far from the mill? — Yes, two miles.
Had you a clock? — No, we had not.
Supposing you had not been in time enough in the morning at these mills, what would have been the consequence? — We should have been quartered.
What do you mean by that? — If we were a quarter of an hour too late, they would take off half an hour; we only got a penny an hour, and they would take a halfpenny more.
The fine was much more considerable than the loss of time? — Yes.
Were you also beaten for being too late? — No, I was never beaten myself, I have seen the boys beaten for being too late.
Were you generally there in time? — Yes; my mother had been up at 4 o'clock in the morning, and at 2 o'clock in the morning; the colliers used to go to their work about 3 or 4 o'clock, and when she heard them stirring she has got up out of her warm bed, and gone out and asked them the time; and I have sometimes been at Hunslet Car at 2 o'clock in the morning, when it was streaming down with rain, and we have had to stay until the mill was opened.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

World History: Images From the Industrial Revolution

Today you will view many images from the Industrial Revolution and make conclusions on how the Revolution affected different groups of people.

Use the document from class to fill in information as you look at each slide of the Google Presentation. If you have questions, do not hesitate to email me or work collaboratively with others.

Google Presentation: Images from the Industrial Revolution

Document From Class

When you finish, enjoy the two videos below on the Agricultural Revolution & Industrial Revolution by CrashCourse

Friday, October 30, 2015

Psychology: Personality Tests

Today & Monday you all will be taking a number of Personality Assessment Tests to get a better understanding of the accuracy of certain tests over others.  Each test you take will produce a summary or result. You need to make sure you copy the results page (and paste it in a Google Doc) or take a picture of it in order to react to it later on.

Each person will take the same 5 tests, but for your 6th you will choose from one of the tests you may be interested in. Below is the link to the tests.  Each student will take the following tests:

MOTIV Personality Test (Hybrid Test) 
Big 45 Test
Fruedian Inventory Test
Cattell 16 Factor Test
Maslow Inventory Test

#6 You get to choose!!!!

***Make sure you copy/paste or take a pic of the results page!!!***

Personality Tests Link

**Write ups:
For your write ups, you will create one document and type a paragraph (5-7 sentences) reaction to each test result evaluating the accuracy of it's assessment based on your understanding of what your Personality is.  Look at the ways you agree and disagree with the assessment and identify the validity of the test.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Psychology: Maslow, the Self-Actualized Person, & Weekend Homework

Directions:  Read the article below, and seek to understand (through Maslow's own words!) what the 12 characteristics of the Self-Actualized person looks like.  After, think of a person in your life who you believe to be as close to Maslow's concept of the Self-Actualized Person.  Type up a letter to them and explain in the letter how their behaviors and life experience make them a Self-Actualized person and how they've attained this status, according to Maslow. When you are finished, share your work with me and also share the letter with them this weekend if you can. You'll make their day....trust me!

Article: Maslow - the 12 Characteristics of a Self-Actualized Person

Homework due on Monday is to view a film and analyze the main character (or one of the main characters) using Maslow's theory on the Hierarchy of Needs and the Self-Actualized person.

Have the article either printed or up on your browser as you watch the film to look at the 12 characteristics of the Self-Actualized person to help you better understand if the character has in fact become Self-Actualized:


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Psychology: Being Sigmund Freud

Directions: The two pictures below detail your assignment.  Please follow the directions as much as possible.  In essence, you are analyzing your personality based upon your understanding of Freud's
Psychodynamic/Analytic Theories which includes everything we've been learning about Freud the past 2 weeks of class (which dates back to before October break)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Psychology: Defense Mechanisms & Me

Directions: Read the images below to understand the activity. Then click the link below for an article and explanation on Defense Mechanisms. Type up your assignment in a Google Drive document and share with me before the end of class.

Click Me: Defense Mechanisms Article 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

World History: The Reign Of Terror Analysis & Essay

Directions: Click the link below. Select to open it up in Google Docs. Go to "File" and select "Save as a Goodle Doc". Click "File" and then "Make a Copy" -- you will now be able to type directly into the document.  The Document takes you through a series of Primary Source documents and asks questions with each.  You must answer all questions. At the end, you will type a 5-paragraph essay (due at the end of class on Friday) and share it with me.

The Reign of Terror Fact File

Monday, September 14, 2015

Psychology: Psychologist Baseball Cards

Directions: Download the below file as a Word Document, and follow the directions on the document. We will be working on this over the course of a couple of days and it is not Homework.

Psychology Baseball Cards Research Assignment

Good Site to Start With!

World History: Building a Study Guide

Directions: You will type up each Study Guide entry as a comment to this post.  TYPE ONE ENTRY AT A TIME not all of them at once before you hit Publish.  When everyone (all three classes) have done this, you will now have multiple entries at your disposal that you can easily hunt for and copy and paste into a Google Doc in order to study for your test.


To post a comment:
  1. Click on Comments Link under this post
  2. Type up ONE ENTRY AT A TIME in the field provided
  3. Type your first and last name into the Post
  4. Before you hit publish, select the drop down menu and select "Anonymous"
  5. Hit Publish


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Student Surveys

Aiden, Rachael, Devyn, & Cassidy's Online Survey - http://goo.gl/forms/fIKkFWtwA8
Madison, Chris, Bridgette and Dallen's Survey - Click Me!
Jeff, OB, Mastrella, Hollister's Survey - Click Me! 
Nathaniel, Travis, Sean, & Brian's Survey - Click Me!
Garrett, Paige, Bella, Joey, Brooke's Survey - Take this Survey Only if You Drive!!
Anya, Christina, Kaely, Isabella's Survey - Click Me! 
Reid, Blake, Tristan -- Click Me!
Isaiah, Camille, Katrina, Zach - Click Me! 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

World History: American Ideals & RDI

Directions: Using the online version of your textbook, find where in history we were able to come up with our American Ideals and fill out the table in full.

How to Access Online Textbook:
Go to my.hrw.com
Username: bocaciega
Password: bocaciega
First Book you see, click Go to Online Textbook
Drop down Menu, Select Prologue and the Sections you are to look at

Friday, September 4, 2015

Psychology: Approaches to Psychology Activity

Directions: Click on the link below and read through the modules about the different Biological and Psychological Approaches to Psychology.  After you are finished, respond to the writing prompt on the Socrative Link (the 2nd Link).

Activity: Learner.org -- Approaches to Psychology

Debrief Writing Prompt: Socrative
****Type in 1MR418S0 for Teacher's Room Code
****Type in your First and Last Name in the body of your response

Monday, June 15, 2015

Bridge: What Type of Learner Are You?

It is extremely important to learn about how best you learn new information.  Education is all about acquiring new knowledge, skills, and an understanding of the human condition.  In order to maximize our abilities (not just in High School) it is important we learn how best we develop and retain new information. 

"There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning."
Jiddu Krishnamurti

"Try to learn something about everything and everything about something."
Thomas Huxley

Below is a link to an online assessment that will identify your learning strengths and give you an opportunity to begin to understand how you best learn new information.  Answer all questions HONESTLY and take the survey seriously in order to get an accurate depiction of your learning strengths.

Friday, May 29, 2015

World History: The End Justify the Means?

Directions: To determine the righteousness of using the Atomic Bomb, you will be looking at competing sources on this issue. Below are two articles on the topic.  You will read the "Yes" article on Friday and finish it up as Homework over the weekend. The "No" article will be read in class on Monday.

Yes, the End Justified the Means - Read and Answer the Qs in your notebooks

No, the End Did Not Justify the Means

Thursday, May 28, 2015

US History: From Hot War to Cold War

Directions: Using the website, fill in your table with information about the contributions, reactions, and responses by each side (US & USSR) to each early Cold War event.

Website: Early Cold War Events

Thursday, May 14, 2015

US History: The A Bomb Debate - Justified or Morally Wrong?

Directions: Here you will find information about our debate taking place on Tuesday. Below are a number of links to help you out including the project information sheet handed out in class, the questions I will ask of each group, and a big research fact file that will assist you in your research full of Primary and Secondary source material.

Project Information Document

Questions I Will Ask

Research Fact File

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Psychology: Cultural Perception & You

Directions: Choose any 4 Cultural Groups we've focused on in class on Monday (the activity we worked on) and conduct research in the following areas:

  • The History Behind the Cultural Group
  • The Perceptions people outside of this group hold about people within this Cultural Group

For each one, you will also identify personal assessments about you and how each Cultural Group has effected you in the following ways:

  • How each Cultural Group has effected your perception of the world around you
  • How you would like to be perceived by others (outside of this cultural group) 
Generation Me Article

For Example: 
Generation Me/Millennials
History: Seek out information that will give you historical information the makeup of the generation; how Generation Me contributes to society; the general behavioral patterns of the Generation; information on: political affiliations; favored career paths; impact social media has had
The Perceptions Outsiders Hold: Look for information on what other generations think about Generation Me. What do Baby Boomers (Born 1943-1964) and Generation Xers (Born 1965-1979) think of Generation Me?
Effect on You: This will depend of course on what you find and who you are...but the idea here is to look and see how connected you are to your Generation and identify how much of an impact it has had on your perceptions 
How You Want To Be Perceived: This too will depend on what you uncover and how you want to be perceived by others in relation to your Generation. But ask yourself how you would want the older generations to perceive you and your Generation

This process will take time, but you need to start today and not waste your time.  I suggest you all choose Generation Me/Millennials as one of your Cultural Groups and use my guide to assist you in finding out information.  This way you can share sources and interpret information together.  

Friday, May 1, 2015

US History: Japanese Internment & Executive Order 9066

Directions: Use the website below to learn more about Japanese Internment. Go through each module, looking at the primary and secondary sources. In a Google Drive document, answer the below writing prompts. Use evidence from the exhibit to shape your answers.

Smithsonian Online Exhibit

1. Describe the process of interning the Japanese complete with the reasons and justifications by the Federal government.
2. Describe the experience of those in the camp system.  What was life like? Besides the environmental changes, how did this system alter the lives of those interned? How did life remain the same?
3. How did the Japanese demonstrate their loyalty to America? Describe their service in the military when they were allowed to join.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

World History: Turning Point #1 - Battle of Britain

Directions: Read the article, looking at the primary sources, auxiliary sources, and links on the right-hand side on the page.  When finished come back to this blog post and answer the essential question as a comment to this blog post. Provide specific information from the secondary and primary sources from the article.

Website: The Battle of Britain

Essential Question: How was the Battle of Britain a turning point in WWII? How did Churchill's leadership provide an opportunity for Britain to hold off the Germans during the Summer and Fall of 1940?

Psychology: Experiment Report Instructions

Monday, April 13, 2015

US History: Videos on FDR & the New Deal

Directions: Today we will view videos to assess the impact FDR had on the American people during the Great Depression. The two below should be viewed in order and you will fill out the graphic organizer to assess his impact.

Video #1
Video #2

Friday, April 10, 2015

US History: FDRs Court Packing Misstep

Directions: Using the website identify the information below in a Google Drive Doc. When you are finished, choose two of the political cartoons in the link, copy and paste them into your document, analyze them (we've done this before), and identify the opinion expressed to determine how the American people felt about FDRs actions.

Website: FDR and the "Court Packing" Fail

Questions to Identify: Most answers need to be at least 3 full and complete sentences each
1. When did his proposal take place?
2. What was his plan?
3. Why did he want to reorganize the judiciary?
4. What was the reaction to his plan by the American people, other politicians, the media?
5. What outcomes from this misstep actually worked in FDRs favor?

Political Cartoons

Thursday, March 26, 2015

US History: The Human Impact of the Great Depression

Directions: Create an original collage of pictures describing the Human Impact of the Great Depression using Google Drive.  You must include 8-10 pictures in your collage.  Your collage must have a 2 paragraph (body paragraphs) description of what people went through during this time period.  Use the websites below to collect information to form your understanding of the human suffering of what people were going through.

Very Brief Descriptions
The Dust Bowl
Deeper Descriptions w/Pictures
Letters from people during the GD
Regions of the Country and how they were effected

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

World History: Crisis! The Movie Review

Directions: Write an original Movie Review of your fictional film you created with your movie poster...imagine history as a film and evaluate the "film" according to the instructions below.

Friday, March 20, 2015

US History: FDRs First 100 Days in Office...

Directions: Presidents are judged by what they accomplish over time.  FDR didn't have the luxury of time on his hands and had to act swiftly.  In the first 100 Days FDR and the Democratic Party-led Congress acted fast to address some of the nations ills. Using the below website, identify the 11 major accomplishments FDR made early in 1933.  Summarize each in your notes.

Website: Shmoop - FDR's First 100 Days

HOMEWORK: This weekend, choose 2 of his accomplishments and conduct further research using 3 different sources (NOT WIKIPEDIA!!!) to identify the following information:
  • The Industry/Regional Area/Segment of the Economy the Action Addressed
  • A Deeper Description of the Program or Action
  • The Impact the Action had on the Industry/Regional Area/Segment of the Economy it was designed to address
  • How Did this Industry/Regional Area/Segment of the Economy Action Effect the Relationship between FDR & the American People

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

US History: Herbert Hoover & the Beginning of the Great Depression

Directions: Analyze who the 31st President was, what his goals and values were, and identify what he did at the beginning of the Great Depression in response to the greatest economic calamity in American History. Respond to each question on the image from class as a comment to this post after reading a brief article on his response to the economic collapse early in his administration.

Reading: Hoover & the Great Depression

Friday, March 13, 2015

U.S. History: Cinderella Man Writing Assessment

Directions: on a piece of binder paper, write a 4 paragraph response to 1 of the 4 writing topics. This needs to be done by the end of the period. Make sure you use evidence from the film to support your claims and reasoning.

Option 1: Inspiration
Courageous, determined, gritty, survivor - these words can be used to describe Jim's character during his comeback. Describe how Americans may have found inspiration in Jim, his comeback, and his success. In what way did Americans see themselves in Jim?

Option 2: "Fighting" & Gender
How is boxing and "fighting" an apt metaphor for the struggles of those during the 1930s? Describe how Mae was "fighting" during this time period. What assumptions can we make about gender issues and the struggles women faced throughout the Depression?

Option 3: Hope
The theme of hope rings throughout the film. Describe how Jim represented hope throughout the film. Focus on and describe 2-3 scenes that demonstrate this concept. 

Option 4: Family
While millions of families suffered tremendously throughout the Great Depression, the Braddock family stayed in tact not without hard work from all members. Describe how family and community was depicted in the film. What assumptions can we make about family life in the 1930s?