Thursday, June 2, 2016

World History: Ends Justify the Means Turn In and Debate

Directions: Click on the link below to turn in your project and interact with your classmates.

Step 1: Adjust your sharing settings to your Google Slide

Step 2: Go to your period's End Justify the Means? Padlet to turn your project in

1st Period

3rd Period

6th Period

Step 3: Choose 3 different students (2 that feel differently than you, 1 that feels the same) and consume their project (pictures, videos, links to outside sources, and their argumentative article)

Step 4: Interact with them on the Padlet itself

  • Create a new post for each student
  • In the title, type "@<enter their name here>"
  • Type your thoughts in the "Write something" portion
  • Put your name in the post itself so people know who is posting
What to type?
  • Counter-arguments to their arguments that they created
  • Specific praise for the work they put in on their project
  • Constructive and respectful criticism of their work 
******You WILL NOT use this forum as a means to put each other down, talk smack to friends, or to use it for any other purpose than it is intended. Anyone in violation will get an automatic ZERO on their project

Step 5: Talk back to those that commented on yours

  • In the title, type "Reply to @<enter their name here>"
  • Type your response in the "Write Something" portion

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Psychology: Personality Disorders

Directions: Based on your assigned group, select one of the disorders that you are interested in learning more about.

Use the site below to find out the details of the disorder: description, symptoms, causes, treatments. -- Disorders

Group 1: Odd/Eccentric
Paranoid PD
Schizoid PD
Schizotypal PD

Group 2: Dramatic/Emotionally Problematic
Antisocial PD
Histrionic PD
Narcissistic PD
Borderline PD

Group 3: Chronic Fearfulness/Avoidant
Avoidant PD
Dependent PD
Dissociative Identity D -- not really apart of this category....whatevs

Wanna freak yourself out? -- only if there's time

Part II: Link up with a member from the other groups to form a group of 3. Discuss with each other what you have learned, and answer the following question using examples from what you have learned.

What is the differences between the clusters as demonstrated by the disorders you chose?

We will discuss your findings to wrap up class