Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Psychology: Dream Interpretation and Your Sleep Journal

Dream Interpretation: Use the below websites to collect information on your dream that you wrote about on Wednesday. You will have to hunt out different aspects of your dream to try to create a full narrative interpretation of that dream.  Type up a brief description of your dream (shorter than your Do Now! unless you really didn't add too much detail into your dream) and below it type an interpretation of that dream from your collection of information from the two sites. Do this in Google Docs and share it with me by the end of the period.

Dream Interpretation Dictionary #1 & #2

1. Do you agree or disagree with the interpretation of your dream? Describe in detail
2. Were you surprised by the interpretation? Describe your answer referencing aspects of the dream
3. Is there value in dream interpretation? Describe your response

Sleep Journal!! -- Make a Copy of this Google Sheet so you can type directly into it
For the next 10 days you will chart your sleeping and dream patterns using the document below. Print this document out and write directly into it each and every morning and evening for 10 days starting on Saturday. Your last day of recording information should be Saturday January 16th.  Please share your journal with me no later than Monday evening January 18th.

Sleep Journal Download 

Consciousness and Sleep Videos!! -- Watch Em when you're done or this weekend!!




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